Conference Rooms systems instructions.

To use the videoconferencing systems installed in Ateliers A1 and A2 (meeting rooms) or use Le Studio (conference room), or the Showroom (flex conference room) at unlimitrust campus, please read the instructions below:

Atelier A1 at unlimitrust campus

Campus wifi network

Network: Unlimitrust_Campus_Guest
P/W: Welcome2campus
You will be asked for an EU mobile number.
Enter Swisscom code and connect.
Connection lasts 24 hours.

Ateliers 1 & 2 Meeting Rooms

1. Prepare your meeting

  1. You need to check the availability of the meeting rooms and book the room using the campus app (search for unlimitrust campus in app stores).
  2. If you intend to use Teams for video conferencing, please invite the room in your calendar. or

2. Start your meeting

A – Microsoft Users

  1. If you have invited the room in your calendar, your reservation will appear on the console on the table
  2. Click JOIN or
  3. If your meeting does not appear on the console screen, as the organisor, start the Teams meeting from your computer or mobile phone, and let the room in as a participant (the room is by default waiting in “the lobby of your Teams meeting”)

B – Other Systems

  1. Connect to the HDMI cable
  2. Start your video conferencing systen and your meeting

3. It's not working?

Le Studio conference room

In person conference

Instructions for screen sharing without using Teams

  1. You need to check the availability of Le Studio and book the conference room using the campus app
  2. Tap on the settings icon on the console
  3. Choose Presentation mode (also called BYOD)
  4. Choose HDMI or ClickShare as connection to your device


Lateral screens can be used to display similar content as the central screen, or an additional source of content via ClickShare or HDMI. If you want to turn off the central screen and only use the lateral screens, please use “Screen 2” on the console. See further instructions for displaying different content on different screens in the next column.


There are 3 types of microphones in the room:

  1. Two mics attached to the lecturn;
  2. Two handheld mics (with rechargeable batteries);
  3. One Madonna.

All microphones can be used at the same time. Volumes can be adjusted from the console settings.


Choose Room Lightings from the console settings or on the back wall of the Studio (1 scene and 3 ceiling options)

Teams Conference

A – Microsoft Users

  1. If you intend to use Teams for video conferencing, please invite the room in your calendar.
  2. Once you have invited the room in your calendar, your reservation will appear on the console on the table
  3. Click JOIN or
  4. If your meeting does not appear on the console screen, as the organisor, start the Teams meeting from your computer or mobile phone, and let the room in as a participant (the room is by default waiting in “the lobby of your Teams meeting”)
  5. If you do not connect with HDMI, by default, the room camera should automatically come on in the Teams meeting. If not, click the “camera” icon in Teams. If you do not wish to display the camera filming the stage, click on “…” to get back to access “Room controls”, go to the Teams tab and select “Full screen content” under the Layout section.

B – Other Systems

  1. Connect to the HDMI cable or the ClickShare
  2. If you are using another video conference system, make sure to use all the Room peripherals – microphone, speakers and camera (as opposed to your own default peripherals on PC or Mac).


The stage screen is made of two screens. Choose your preferred display between Full Screen or Screen 1 for content & Screen 2 for people. Full screen is recommended. See further instructions for displaying different content on different screens below.


There are 3 types of microphones in the room:

  1. Two mics attached to the lecturn;
  2. Two handheld mics (with rechargeable batteries);
  3. One Madonna.

All microphones can be used at the same time. Volumes can be adjusted from the console settings.


Choose Room Lightings from the console settings or on the back wall of the Studio (1 scene and 3 ceiling options)

It's not working?

If you are using Teams or a video conferencing system

Assistance Request (event specific)

Please contact campus administrators first

For large events requiring audio-visual technical assistance, please contact Leman Visio:

  1. Phone : +41 (0)22 354 45 99 or Email:
  2. Contract Reference number: 016008-b
  3. Your request must be made at least 5 days prior the event

Displaying different content on stage screen and on lateral screens

Lateral screens can be used to duplicate content from the stage screen, or display an additional source of content.

For presenting two different types of content, with two computers, connect one computer with HDMI, and one computer with ClickShare (make sure ClickShare is turned on, on your computer).

  1. Use the computer connected via HDMI to display on the stage screen. For this, on the console settings, select: 1) HDMI and 2) Screen 1.
  2. To connect the second computer to the lateral screens whilst the first computer is displaying on the main screen, select: 1) Screen 2 and 2) Switch the source from HDMI to ClickShare

EoT Showroom Flex conference room

In person conference

Instructions for screen sharing without using Teams

  1. You need to check with the Economy of Trust Foundation the availability of the Showroom as it cannot be booked via the campus app.
  2. Tap on the settings icon on the console
  3. Choose Presentation mode
  4. Choose ClickShare as connection to your device (you may need to execute ClickShare on your computer)


  1. Microphones for capturing room sounds are in the ceiling. They can be muted on the console.


  1. Choose a camera pre-set from the console
  2. Avoid moving the standing camera in the room

Teams Conference

A – Microsoft Users

  1. If you intend to use Teams for video conferencing, please invite the room in your calendar.
  2. Once you have invited the room in your calendar, your reservation will appear on the console on the table
  3. Click JOIN or
  4. If your meeting does not appear on the console screen, as the organisor, start the Teams meeting from your computer or mobile phone, and let the room in as a participant (the room is by default waiting in “the lobby of your Teams meeting”)

B – Other Systems

  1. Connect using ClickShare (you may need to execute ClickShare on your computer)
  2. Start your video conferencing system and your meeting

It's not working?

If you are using Teams

  • Make sure you have invited the room
  • Make sure you have let the room into the meeting when you start

Assistance Request (event specific)

Please contact campus administrators first

For large events requiring audio-visual technical assistance, please contact Leman Visio:

  1. Phone : +41 (0)22 354 45 99 or Email:
  2. Contract Reference number: 016008-b
  3. Your request must be made at least 5 days prior the event

General terms & conditions