The unlimitrust community.

The ambition of the unlimitrust community is to accelerate innovation and to contribute to economic, social and environmental sustainability and resilience by building trust in the services and products – physical and digital – we use in our daily lives.

man walking in the snow by night


The unlimitrust community operates according to the following shared values:

  • Trust empowers and protects individuals and organisations alike.
  • Trust arises from respect for rights and obligations.
  • Trust requires transparency, auditability and accountability.
unlimitrust campus


The Foundation for the Economy of Trust, created by SICPA, will promote the topic of the Economy of Trust by building an international community of thought leaders and innovators who want to support resilient and sustainable economies. It will propose programmes to initiate and accelerate innovation in the application of trust-related technologies and organise events to connect people and foster collaboration. Visit:

Lavaux wine region at Lake Geneva

Partnerships: EPFL Innovation Park & Canton of Vaud.

EPFL Innovation Park is home to an expanding community of start-ups and entrepreneurs who are called on the join the unlimitrust campus in order to boost their creativity and support the growth of their businesses.

Canton of Vaud is known for its action-oriented political and economic vision. It has been a committed supporter of the Lake Geneva region’s vast tech ecosystem since day one. It hosts a unique combination of innovation clusters in various fields of expertise, providing economic opportunities for the entire tech industry.


unlimitrust parternships

Trust Valley.

SICPA, as one of the founding members of the Trust Valley, a public-private partnership promoting the excellence of the Lake Geneva region in the field of digital trust and cybersecurity, will host the Trust Valley’s startup acceleration program Tech4Trust as well as the Trust Village in canton Vaud, on the unlimistrust campus.

unlimitrust community members.

The unlimitrust community is growing, bringing new ways of delivering trust.

Trust can be added by being more efficient, more resilient, more transparent and establishing unbreakable connections between the physical and digital realms.

They are on unlimitrust campus:



Building a strong Ecosystem.

Because trust is a challenge that cuts across economic sectors and public services, innovation in this field thrives on diversity of expertise. This is one of the strengths of the unlimitrust campus: it provides a collaborative, multi-disciplinary environment for companies of all sizes active in research and innovation, as well as for public organisations and academic institutions.


The unlimitrust campus is a multiplier of opportunities, providing members with a collaborative platform to share skills, challenges and knowledge around the Economy of Trust, and to advance their common ambition. Start-ups have preferential access to potential investors and a showcase to present their products and services. Any start-up in the community can organise events and call on other members to address a specific challenge and solve a problem. And through the Tech4Trust acceleration programme, member start-ups can move forward with their projects in a short timeframe for greater impact.


Corporates need to find innovative solutions to new and upcoming challenges – societal, technological, individual and organisational – in the field of trust. To achieve this, they need to collaborate with partners whose skills and expertise match and complement their own. The unlimitrust campus was founded with precisely this aim in mind: to enable corporates to keep on learning and investigating solutions through research, development and training programmes. By leveraging complementary profiles on our campus, corporate members can retain their competitive edge and increase their impact on trust in society.


Because proximity boosts partnerships, the unlimitrust campus is designed as a place for start-ups and companies to meet and network with potential investment partners. This arrangement is beneficial for both sides, which are able to discover and explore new opportunities.

Join the community.

Because innovators need sparring partners, we need you. Contact us to learn more about the unlimitrust community.

Pascal Marmier Unlimitrust Campus
Pascal Marmier
unlimitrust campus director

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